spoiled mattress and the springs.

well, they played at Edinburgh Castle tonight, and I was impressed in a way that I am not normally, i mean, it was definite Camp, and Susan Sontag has said she does not believe that Camp taste can be applicable to music, more specifically jazz, but this band is the closest Camp musical talent to come to earth, thus far. This is the run down, three guys, one looks like a Hanson brother, another, by the name of Avishai is obviously a jew boy, but is like a hot Israelite, no jesus or nothin, but some elvis hair gel, oh, and this guy on the saxophone, who looked as though he was well read, only for the simple reason he wore glasses and a tight vest (the kind you would wear when serving cabernet sauvignon to Al Gore on his birthday). The drummer is almost always too slow, the keyboard and saxophonist play the same notes, and a glimpse of bar mitzvah boys celebrating their coming of age comes to mind. I was immediately reminded of the jew boy garage band, which included a clarinetist, in Welcome to the Dollhouse. super enthusiastic chinsy glitter fabric and tinker toy mariachi shakers. Also, Lauren grabbed the mic out of the saxophonist's hand (i think his name is matthew) and she started to rap about her mother. she thought he insulted her when he said that her rapping style reminded him of the creative growth kids who jammed with them in berkeley earlier today. i told her this was not so, and she winked at my foot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.